Snow Plow and Winter Services
As Ned Stark would say, "Winter is coming!" We are proud to be able to say that we are a family owned business who have been local residents for over a decade. Because of this, we are no strangers to the winter months of the north east. We offer driveway plowing and ice maintenance to make sure you can leave your house safely.
We understand that winter chores seem to add up. Firstly, you need to make sure your house and pipes are properly heated. Secondly, you need to prepare for the inevitable snowfall by getting your shovels on the ready. Thirdly, you must stockpile on salt and sand to deal with the pesky layer of ice that forms after the snow melts or is shoveled away. And lastly, you need to make sure that you gutters are clear of leaves to prevent ice from clogging up, expanding, and cracking your gutters. Let us handle the winter chores so you and your family can enjoy the reasons why we choose to live in an area with winter months. When the snow finally falls, your kids are excited about having a snow day, and you are stuck away from work; you should be able to focus on creating precious memories. Memories like sledding down a local hill with ramp to see your kids endlessly crash into the soft snow and ending the day around a cozy campfire with a cup of hot chocolate. Let us be the reason you are shoveling snow to build an epic snow fort, instead of shoveling to clear your driveway and pathway. During the winter months we offer snow plowing services for when ever snow falls. We put your name and address on the list, and before you know it all the snow will disappear. After we clear the snow from your driveway, we apply a thick layer of salt to prevent ice from forming. We also recommend a layer of sand on any steep driveways to provide additional traction for your personal vehicles. If you are interested in chopping down a tree in your back yard for some fire wood, just ask! We specialize in safely felling trees, chopping them into logs, and splitting the logs into usable fire wood. We can than stack the wood in a designated dry space for use at any time! If this is something that interests you, don't hesitate to call (401) 992-5153 or talk to one of our representatives. |